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Latest News
Prof.Dr. Phra Thamvajarabundit, Rector of MCU presided over the ceremony to hand over money and utilities that are urgently needed for the patients infected with COVID-19 to Wang Noi Hospital, Ayutthaya,
09 JUL 21 | University's News

Thursday, 8 July 2021 at 3:00 p.m., Prof.Dr. Phra Thamvajarabundit, Rector of MCU presided over the ceremony to hand over money and utilities that are urgently needed for the patients infected with COVID-19 to Wang Noi Hospital, Ayutthaya, currently taking care of over 70 patients infected with COVID-19 in the hospital. In the said ceremony, the following were the name lists of donors from MCU:

1. Prof.Dr. Phra Thepvajarabundit, Rector donated money to buy things in need for the infected worth 50,000 baht;

2. IBSC donated 200 sets of PPE;

3. IBSC donated 300 sets of CPE;

4. IBSC donated 4 large boxes of face masks;

5. 5 sacks of rice;

6. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya Foundation donated 10,000 baht; and

7. Dr. Phrakhru Srisitthibundit, Dir. of Registation and Evalution Office donated instant noodles worth 2,000 baht.

 Wang Noi Hospital is a 60-bed hospital. But at the time being, there are over 70 beds of patients infected with COVID-19, so it is in need of a lot of medical equipment and utilities for the patients infected with COVID-19 such as fans,  picnic mattresses, pillows, dishes, bowls, laundry detergent, hangers, clotheslines, Thermometers, pressure gauges etc.

   MCU administrators and personnel  can donate at the Office of MCU FOUNDATION, basement floor of the Rector's Office Building, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya.


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